Margaret River Playgroup

Playgroup is a place where children, parents and caregivers can come together to meet new friends and have lots of fun.

Do you have a child/ren aged 0-5 years?

Are you looking for a place to meet other parents and caregivers and provide opportunities for your child to have lots of fun and new friends to play with?

If you would like to learn more about Playgroup and see what the centre has to offer, come along
to a morning session from 9:30am–11:30am on either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday.

New members are very welcome and your first 2 sessions are free.

If you already have a group of friends, or would perhaps like an alternative venue for your
Mother’s Group and would like to start your own session and utilise the centres fabulous facilities, there are afternoon spots available.

For any further enquiries or more information please phone Margaret River Playgroup on 0403 216 240, or you can find us at cnr.Tunbridge & Farrelly Streets (behind the hospital near the Community Centre).

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